GeoTrust SSL Certificates

GeoTrust has more than 100,000 customers in 150 countries that trust in their products, increasing their security in the Internet.

True BusinessID

  • Business validation
  • Valid for 1 domain

True BusinessID SAN

  • Business validation
  • Valid for 5 domains

True BusinessID EV Multi-Domain

  • Extended business validation
  • Valid for 5 domains

All GeoTrust certificates

Site seal

The Secured Site Seal permits you to show your visitors what type of security your site has, this will increase their trust when making financial transactions or sending sensible information in your site.


Warranty provided by the certificate issuer to your customers in case of financial loss as a direct result of relying on a certificate that was issued through his negligence.


The security level of a SSL Certificate is determined by the encryption level supported by the visitors browser and the web server where te site is hosted. With the correct combination between browser and web server you will be able to establish secure connections with an encryption up to 256-bit using a SSL Certificate.

Key code

Thanks to the key the security is increased because the complexity of the encryption key used to issue the SSL Certificate.

Unlimited servers

In case of hosting provider or IP change it won't be necessary to issue a new SSL Certificate.

Free reissue

In case of loss of your SSL certificate you would be able to issue it again without additional costs.

GeoTrust is the #2 Worldwide SSL Certificate provider

Actually there are many different SSL Certificate brands and types. To choose the SSL Certificate that is right for your needs you have to decide what type of validation of the certificate you need: Domain, Business or Extended, your budget is also important, as more expensive the SSL is, more features and trust it will offer. Also, one of the factors is the SSL type, there are multiple SSL types, ones secure only one domain, others also all subdomains or even others that secure multiple domains and subdomains.

GeoTrust has more than 100,000 customers in 150 countries that trust them with their products, permitting them to add security to the communications on the Internet. GeoTrust has multiple different SSL Certificates, including certificates with domain, business or extended validation, adding security to single domains, subdomains or even multiple domains.

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Types of SSL certificates

Find the certificate you need according to the brand, the type of validation or the number of supported domains. You can also compare all of them here.

Domain validation

Verified through a code that will be sent to an email address of the domain.

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Business validation

Verified by email, supplying business documents and a phone call.

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Extended validation (EV)

Verified by email, business documents, a phone call and signing a special EV validation form.

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Single domain

Add SSL security to one single domain, these are normally the cheapest certificates.

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Add SSL security to multiple domains with one single SSL certificate.

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Wildcard (subdomains)

The best option in case you need to add SSL security to multiple subdomains.

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The first step for your new project is to search for an available domain.

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