.pl domains

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We are a .pl accredited registrar. More information

Europe: Poland

.PL domains pertain to Poland and have a great popularity in the country, this is one of the fastest growing extensions in recent years and has more than 2,300,000 registered domains.

.PL domains are managed by DNS.PL.

.pl domain rates and features

Domain rates .pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 4,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 13,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .biz.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.biz.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .com.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.com.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .edu.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.edu.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .info.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.info.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .net.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.net.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .nom.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.nom.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .org.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.org.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .shop.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.shop.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

Domain rates .waw.pl

Action Periodes Price
Registration 1 year(s) 5,95 €
Renewal 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 year(s) 10,95 €
Transfer - 0,00 €
Restore Does not include renewal 30,00 €


  • Domain length between 3 and 63 characters
  • IDN characters are permitted
  • Allows DNS modification
  • When the transfer ends, the expiration date doesn’t change

.waw.pl domain life cycle

Domain available
Domain registration
Domain active
Expiration/Deletion date
Domain available

.pl domain regulations

Residency requirements

This extension doesn't have any residency requirements.

Technical requirements

This extension doesn't have any technical requirements.


.pl domain registrations are immediate.


In order to transfer a .pl domain it's necessary to provide the AuthCode or AuthInfo, you must ask for this code to your current provider in case you have it registered in a Registrar, in case you have it managed directly with the Registry (NASK) you must request this code using a document, here we explain the detailed procedure in both cases:

Transfer a .pl domain from another registrar

  • In case you're transferring your .pl domain from an external registrar to us, you must request them the AuthCode or AuthInfo, once you have it, add the domain to the shopping cart and complete the purchase, after this, go to the "Status" tab of your domain and add the AuthCode/AuthInfo pressing the "Accept transfer" button.
  • Once we receive the AuthCode and check that it's correct, we send it to the Registry, who sends an e-mail to the registrant to it's acceptance, you'll have to press the link that contains this e-mail in order to accept it.
  • Once the transfer has been accepted pressing the link, the domain transfer will be completed after a few minutes.

Transfer a .pl domain from NASK

  • In case you're transferring a .pl domain from NASK to us, you'll have to add the domain to the shopping cart and complete the payment, after this, request the AuthCode or AuthInfo filling the next form
  • Once NASK checks and authorizes your request we'll receive the AuthCode directly and you'll receive an e-mail to accept the transfer.
  • Once the transfer has been accepted pressing the link, the domain transfer will be completed after a few minutes.

When the transfer completes, the domain expiration date will be the same, .pl domains aren't renewed when transferred.


Renewing your .PL domain only takes a minute and can completed at any time.


It's possible to request a cancellation of your .PL domain, visit the support center to open a support ticket. Please note, cancelling a name does not provide a refund of any registration fees.

DNS modifications

DNS modification is immediate, please note they must propagate through the network, this process can take up to 6-12 hours to complete, until then the domain will still point to the previous DNS servers.


We allow the usage of DNSSEC on .pl domains. Your domain can take advantage of this additional security layer that DNS servers that are compatible with this technology can provide.
More information is available at: DNSSEC: What is it and how does it work.

Domain owner change

.PL domains permit automatic owner changes, you'll be able to change this data from your client area.

Permitted characters / IDN

.pl domains permit characters from 'a' to 'z', numbers from '0' to '9' and hyphens '-'.
A hyphen '-' is not permitted in the first or last position of the domain name.
Two consecutive hyphens are not permitted in the 3rd and 4th position.
IDN characters are permitted in .pl domains.

Permitted IDN character table for .pl domains

An Internationalized Domain Name (IDN) is a domain name that can contain non ASCII characters.

Unicode Script Hyphen (-) Digits (0-9) Characters (a-z)
Belarusian Yes Yes
Ukrainian Yes Yes
Catalan Yes Yes Yes
Esperanto Yes Yes Yes
German Yes Yes Yes
Bulgarian Yes Yes Yes
Croatian Yes Yes Yes
Latvian Yes Yes Yes
French Yes Yes Yes
Luxembourgish Yes Yes Yes
Albanian Yes Yes Yes
Hungarian Yes Yes Yes
Danish Yes Yes Yes
Turkish Yes Yes Yes
Moldavian Yes Yes Yes
Irish Yes Yes Yes
Romanian Yes Yes Yes
Finnish Yes Yes Yes
Macedonian Yes Yes
Estonian Yes Yes Yes
Modern Greek Yes Yes
Norwegian Yes Yes Yes
Maltese Yes Yes Yes
Polish Yes Yes Yes
Italian Yes Yes Yes
Portuguese Yes Yes Yes
Russian Yes Yes
Lithuanian Yes Yes Yes
Serbian Yes Yes Yes
Swedish Yes Yes Yes
Slovenian Yes Yes Yes
Spanish Yes Yes Yes
Czech Yes Yes Yes
Icelandic Yes Yes Yes
Dutch Yes Yes Yes
Slovak Yes Yes Yes
Greek Yes Yes

IDN domains don't permit to mix different Scripts or character sets (for example, Latin, Greek or Cyrillic).
But it's possible to use different character tables for a same script.

  • The Latin Script permits the use of characters of Latin-1 supplement, Latin Extended-A, Latin Extended-B, etc.. tables.
  • The Greek Script permits to combine characters of the Greek, Greek Extended, etc.. tables, doesn't permit combine them with the normal latin characters (a-z), but permits the use of numbers or hyphens.
  • Other script types have their own corresponding tables.

Official documentation

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