All available extensions

Register Asian domains at the best market price, you can easily search domains in more than 20 extensions of Asian countries, like for example .in, .jp, .kr, .hk, .tw...

The Internet usage is having a great growth in the past years, with more than 1,000 million Internet users, this number is expected to double in the next years because it actually only represents the 26% Internet penetration between its habitants, while the rest of the World usually has more than 40% Internet penetration.

China represents most of the Internet users in Asia with more than 510 million, followed by India with "only" 121 million, in third place would be Japan with more than 100 million users, this last country has an 80% Internet penetration amoung its 126 million people, exceeded only by South Korea with a 82,7% Internet penetration.

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