How can I check to see if a domain name is still available?
You can check the availability of one or more domains by performing a search in our domain search tool:
A list will appear with the domains searched and their status, which can be:
- Add to cart: The domain is available and can be registered normally.
- Transfer: The domain is registered with another Registrar. If you are the domain holder, you can request the transfer and manage it from our platform.
- Domain for sale: The domain is for sale through a domain buying/selling website called SedoMLS. You can purchase it directly for the amount set by the owner.
- Premium domain: Domains with this label defined by the Registry have a higher registration and renewal cost than usual.
- Reserved domain: The domain is locked by the Registry. We recommend contacting our support team to check if the domain can be registered and under what conditions.
If the domain is available, you can register it at the best price on the market. If it is not available, you can choose from over 800 domain extensions we offer or try to contact the domain holder to see if they are interested in selling it to you. To find out who the domain holder is, you can follow the steps in our help guide: How to check the owner of a domain.