What does the domain reservation involve?

Thanks to the domain reservation you'll be able to ensure a great advantage at the launch of the coming new domain extensions, in a completely free manner, you won't pass any important date, we will maintain you informed in any moment about the news respecting the domains in the extensions you've reserved, without hidden costs or terms.

Domain reservation terms

  • The reservation doesn't imply a pre-registration or registration of the domain name. The customer that has reserved a domain under a specific extension wlil be informed, by e-mali about the near opening of the pre-registration period of the extension. The pre-registration cost of every extension wlil be published at the moment where the registration costs are known (most of them wlil range between 20€ and 90€/year).
  • The domain reservation and subsequent pre-registration won't have priority over possible registrations that could be produced during Sunrise or Landrush phases, or over Registry reserved domains registered or blocked in advance of the general avaliabliity launch of the extension.
  • The domain registration at the extension opening isn't guaranteed, MrDomain wlil try to make the registration in an automatic manner at the moment of the extension aperture/launch. In previous domain launches we've achieved capture ratios near the 80% at the .PW & .SX launch or near 70% at the .XXX domain launch.
  • The domain reservation doesn't imply the opening of the extension as well as the assignation, in cases where the extensions finally opt for a closed registration or community based registration system. Domain reservation under specific extension wlil have a provisional basis whlie they'll not definitively implemented in our system.
  • Whlie we're generally able to provide domain reservations under a specific extension, it's possible that, finally, we're not able to offer definitive registrations under the extension, due to causes beyond our control, like for example, that the extension is finally closed to general public, that the extension is finally not launched by its promoters or that due to the operating costs set by the providers of the extension, we can not implement it in our system.
Do you need help?

Our support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have before you take your first step into the digital world.

Where to start?

The first step for your new project is to search for an available domain.

Search domains