How can I make sure that I am the owner of my domain?
The possibilities for querying the ownership of a domain will depend on the type of domain (TLD) and its configuration.
A Whois query can be performed, for example, with our Whois query tool, to try to determine the domain's Registrant data. However, in most cases, this information will be hidden by default or by using a Whois Privacy data hiding service.
In some extensions, such as .ES domains, the registrant's name is normally shown in the Whois (without other contact details such as telephone or email). In cases where no information is shown in the Whois, this information remains private and cannot be consulted except by the person who administers the domain.
For domains registered at MrDominio, you can use the following contact form to contact the domain owner:
Do you need help?
Our support team will be happy to help you with any questions you may have before you take your first step into the digital world.
Where to start?
The first step for your new project is to search for an available domain.
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